Friday, May 30, 2008 Y 8:43 AM

For the first time, ever since Zhuo Yan was born, I slept for a straight 7 hours.

All thanks to jw for his love, seeing me looked so lethargic (although I did not feel that I looked so). Imagine surviving on 3-4hours and intermittent sleep everyday for seven+ months? Or even longer if you wish to include the pregnancy days when I had to carry a "big ball" with me 24hours a day.

Anyway. I feel slightly more refresh now. Energy for another playday with our little rascal.=P

By the way, brought zy for a swim yesterday. zy loves swimming and will wave his hands frantically whenever I show him his swimming suit asking if he wants to go for a swim. He can "swim" rather well now and he always amazes me everytime we head to the swimming pool for a dip. Now he can swim like an adult, kicking his little feet and busy his hands in the water. I only need to hold him with one arm while he swims his "frog style".

Last night, we finally had zy with us having dinner at the dining table together. Since now that he can sit quite well, we decided to sit on his high chair and got him a couple of teething biscuits for him to meddle with. He seemed delighted and busied himself with the biscuits while jw and I had our dinner.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008 Y 2:52 PM

Yes, we are doing very well. Almost p*****t (taboo to say out the word=P).

Zhuo Yan has just turned 7-month old yesterday! And we are really so happy to see him growing up healthily and happily, albeit being more cheeky and playful. And also, more active! Sometimes I think to myself, I am lucky to have him young because I'm sure I will not be able to catch up with his energy level if I am older.

Anyway, zy is just too adorable to be ignored. You will just want to play with him no matter how tired you are!=P

Recently I also noticed that he is learning fast. Perhaps, good memory. I am thinking of sending him to some playgroups or courses to uncover his potential (if he has). Still thinking though. Pardon me to say something (not that I am thick skinned as his mother!), I think zy is quite a smart boy. Well, I hope he has a kind heart too.

Well, for me, life has been real busy. Blogging has taken a backseat in my daily routine and now my days are filled with zy (playing with him takes up almost 60% of my day if jw's mum is looking after him together and 90% if I am handling zy alone), going for a quilting class, setting up my biz site and sewing! Yeah, I am doing sewing now and I must admit that I never thought I would sew someday in my life. I mean, I never pick up any needle (except cross stitching) or know the techniques of sewing. But really, I am enjoying it (Oh well... I was so much of a science geek and now I am becoming so artsy or you can say, arty-farty!). Even though this sewing biz cannot earn much, I am contented with all that I have now. I do not have to deal with work stress, deadlines, weird colleagues, unreasonable bosses, company "rules" whatever. All these can be really sickening.

I hope my sewing biz will grow and eventually, link up with some charitable organization to help the less fortunate. Or maybe, single mothers or needy women.

Jw told me that day that he can feel that I am a happier woman now. Yes, I am. With life and with everything.

Monday, May 12, 2008 Y 8:28 PM

Thursday, May 8, 2008 Y 10:56 AM

Very busy recently. Busy with zy, my biz setup and miscellaneous stuff. Gosh, how i wish i have 36hrs a day!

zy is quite an angel nowadays (except at night when he wakes up more than 3 times=_= --> super tiring for me n jw). He is trying to talk. It's pretty amusing looking at his expressions when he tries to tell us something. & when I reply him, he will look at me and listen attentively before continuing with our little conversation. so sweet. i think he will be a real gentlemen next time i hope. hahaaa.

sometimes when i look at zy, i still cannot believe that he is my son and i am his mother.

life is so real (i don't know what this sentence really means. it just came out from my head=P).

oh, i hope my biz will get going soon. finally doing something after idling for so long. & u cannot believe what I am doing. Not even my mum. I think her jaws must have dropped when I told her what I am planning to do. hahahahaaa.

zy has started solids but it seems that he does not really like porridge these days. Maybe I have to change my feeding strategy or his menu. Hm. But but, he loves fruits! apple and banana we have tried and he loves them all. great. next comes the veggie!

okok, i typed this entry within 3 min. amazing right? well, time is so precious now!
<-- our cheeky big boy.

Monday, May 5, 2008 Y 12:40 PM

ZY - Growing and Learning.*^_^*