Friday, February 29, 2008 Y 1:49 PM

cheeky zy happily sucking his fingers.
Friends, even jw, asked me if I was too busy to blog these days. I would say yeah. My everyday is occupied, especially now that I have found a direction in what I wish to focus in.

Have been thinking alot lately. For ideas, concepts and my life.

I'm glad I have matured over these years, especially being a wife and mum now. People say as woman reaches different stages of her life, she exudes a different kind of charisma and grace. Some women are afraid of ageing, but I feel otherwise. I feel life gets better as I grow older and I have more control over my life and what I want to achieve. I have more passion for life and I am starting to feel that life is beautiful afterall.

So is love.

Thursday, February 28, 2008 Y 4:46 PM

Sometimes I wonder how fast time will pass especially now that I am so called a SAHM.

I don't know what really happened last week but I just could not find time and energy to blog.

Anyway, I have been kind of lethargic for the past days taking care of and playing with zy. Training him on tummy down and flipping. ZY has great with his verbal skills but when it comes to motor development, he is a bit slow all because of his laziness and all the pampering from his Papa and grandmothers. So I become the fierce mama who always pushes him till he gets really frustrated.

jw has been sweet. Cheering me up with his not-so-funny jokes and small little actions when I feel tired and down. I love the rose bouquet that he bought for me last week. It did make my heart flutter and I am a happy woman again.

Oh ya, zy is offcially 4 month old. So we decided to shave off him bald after his magazine photoshoot audition(which obviously did not turn out well since he hates phototaking).

Here he is, our mischievous "botak" son.

Friday, February 15, 2008 Y 9:51 AM





前天带孩子去打疫苗针。庆幸他一滴泪都没流,是个strong boy。到了半夜却发烧了。一整天呆在家照顾他,亲力亲为。只希望孩子快康复。怎知到了晚上,他开始闹别扭,跟着号啕大哭。无论怎么抱怎么哄都无济于事。









p/s. 今早,喂饱孩子后对他说:“妈妈很疼卓谚,不要让妈妈担心了好吗?”。孩子看着我,微笑,然后握着我的食指。我又哭了。

Tuesday, February 12, 2008 Y 2:57 PM

this year's cny is definitely better than before. Although I no longer belong to the group of ang pow receivers, now we go everywhere as a family of three.

recently i realised zy has really grown up alot. sometimes i'm just too busy taking care of all his needs that i forget to take a closer look at him. Just yesterday, he learnt to say something new, in his own language of course! I was so amazed that I kept laughing and giggling and he reciprocated. hahhaahhahah. then he repeated his new learnt language again and again before breaking out in chuckles loud and happily.

oh, did i forget to mention that zy loves to watch tv? argh!

zy loves to read as well. Whenever i read him stories, he will try to engage in a conversation with him by cooing and gurgling and all the baby talking. As if he is trying to tell me his version of the story from what he sees!

okok enough of zy, i can go on writing a hundred pages about him!

anyway valentine day is coming and i'm so looking forward. of coz, we r not celebrating on the day itself, right dar?=P everyday is valentines to us when there is love!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008 Y 10:27 AM

CNY is coming.

gonna keep our room later. well, every since zy appeared in our lives, our room seems to be cluttered with his story books and baby magazines.

have been so lethargic for the past 3 days. waking up almost 2-3 times per night for feeding. byebye to my swimming and gym regime. i simply have no energy!

zy has also been tired. sleeps alot. maybe he had a busy time during the weekends. we brought him out on both days for shopping and eating. hahahaha. can't bear to leave him at home without us! but recently, he has been quite cranky while we were outside so we had to take turns carrying and pacifying him. Imagine so many pairs of eyes looking at me while I rocked and sang to him? No image anymore!

anyway, sometimes i find zy's expressions very cute and funny so i love to disturb him at times.

well, i always tell zy "zy is mama's toy and mama is zy's toy!"

Friday, February 1, 2008 Y 3:01 PM

Our cheeky Zhuo Yan.

Rainy day.
Cheeky zy is sleeping so soundly beside me now, with my fav lisa ono's music playing in the background.
seems like zy enjoys lisa ono too.
just now i laid zy by the window to watch the scenery outside. Raindrops splattering on the window like music to our ears. zy was so fascinated that he squealed and cooed, as if talking to me about what he was seeing and hearing. And even when the thunder was so loud and the lightning so glaring, he was so happy watching. At least for half an hour.
Everytime in his room, I'll on the radio to FM92.4 for classical music. Smiley zy loves it.
Looking at his face now reminds me of his sweet face on the day he was born.
Exactly the same lovely angel look.