Friday, June 29, 2007 Y 9:37 AM

Baby is active again today!

After so many days of "lethargic-ness", he is starting to kick and turn more frequently this morning.

Maybe he knows we are going shopping today for him hhahahahahaha.

Anyway, went to Metro member close down sale at tampines mall last night with Angela and the crowd was scary. Everyone was grabbing things as they are all free. Well yah, most items are on 50% discount. That says the reason.

Bought Mavala Double Lash which I used to use for a period of time, in hope to strengthen and lengthen my lashes. It really worked after about 2-3 weeks of application but again, I was just to lazy to be diligent. Must buck up this time.

Can't wait for shopping later.

Thursday, June 28, 2007 Y 3:13 PM

Woke up feeling frustrated. Probably lacked quality sleep. Kept having weird vivid dreams.=(

Anyway, to freshen myself, I had a good shower, exfoliating my whole body. Well, our body needs to be ridden of dead skin cells at least once a week for healthy cell regeneration. I have been lazy. Only doing it once every 2 weeks.

Always feel super pampered after thoroughly cleaning and scrubbing myself. PL (Pregnant Lady) needs to be pampered too ya.=)

If you do have a little more to splurge this month, perhaps you can try this product - Shiseido Aromatic Body Salt Scrub, which claims to reduce appearance of cellulite as well. I love the smell-grapefruit extract. It never fails to perk me up everytime when I use it.

Today marks my 22nd week of pregnancy. Wonder how baby is doing inside.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007 Y 11:10 AM

I do definitely look so much fresher than a week ago. Life has been good for me. At least, I do not have to drag myself up for demolarising work.

Started my beauty regime last week but has been real lazy to keep up with it. Perhaps I should just buck up a little to maintain myself so that baby will be delighted to see his mummy still in good shape when he is finally out.

Oh yah, talking about beauty regime, I really got to introduce this product. Olay White Radiance Intensive Whitening Lotion with SPF 24. It's the one with the grey cap. Have been using this for the past week as day moisturiser and I think it's great! Cheap and effective. Not like the normal Olay products which can be quite oily and sticky. Especially love its non oily/greasy texture which can be easily absorbed into the skin. My sis actually claimed that it lightens dark spots or pimple scars on her face and I really believe so.

My tummy is growing real big everyday. Amazing isn't it. Haha. Till now, I still can't believe I am becoming a mother in real life.

Maybe I should start believing.

My more refreshed look with only very very light foundation, eyeshadow and lipgloss. Masacra is kinda testing my patience nowadays, especially during removal. So, forget it.

Monday, June 25, 2007 Y 1:42 PM







p/s: baby最近很顽皮,不停练习“飞毛腿”,有时还真吓着我。可是他又好像听得懂我们的话。
晚上睡前特别闹情绪。可是当他爸说bedtime story时,就静静听。说goodnight,要乖乖早睡后,就不踢了。 哈哈。
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Friday, June 22, 2007 Y 5:11 PM










Thursday, June 21, 2007 Y 9:25 PM

Was looking at my bulging tummy just now and I cannot believe how much it has grown.

It's really an amazing feeling to have someone so close to you and your heart. And all you wish to do is to dear him.

I always thought that having a baby will dampen our relationship, especially we just got married and have yet to settle down to cope with each other's lifestyle.

But you proved me wrong.

Baby really brought us closer and I feel, more loving than before.

Thanks for being so supportive and caring, despite my changing figure and crankiness sometimes.

I'm blessed.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007 Y 10:56 PM


i put on a whopping 5.5kg in just one month.

can you believe that???


Was in a state of shock when i weighed myself at the gynae's.

Someone like me who is so conscious about her weight and size can be so oblivious to her body changes.

This is my ultimate nightmare.

must start on my exercise and good diet plan from today.

Baby, pls help mummy too. Don't be so easily hungry okie!

Monday, June 18, 2007 Y 10:06 PM







p.s. 今天我生平第一次牵了外婆的手。

Friday, June 15, 2007 Y 2:04 PM

A poem by Du Mu.

If I can turn back time, perhaps things will still be the same.

I'll miss everyone and the good times only.

A new beginning.

Thursday, June 14, 2007 Y 3:27 PM

It seems that nothing ever gets to going good till there's a few resignations.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007 Y 4:26 PM

My bestest memories.

Almost 2 years spent over there and you girls showered me with all the fun and laughter.

You girls saw me from a young lady to a married woman and now, a mother-to-be.

We all have different stories to tell (quoted from lily) and sometimes I really wished I can stay and tell mine.

"Even though we'll change and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when tears fall or the smile spreads across out faces, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not all still friends."

Thanks for all the sweetest memories girls.

I guess those are all I need from here. Nothing else.

Juli, Vivi, SJ, June, Carrine, Lily, Elaine.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007 Y 3:30 PM

I think I just felt baby moved!=D

Y 9:23 AM

Grandma is in hospital and I'm praying for her well being. Even we are not very close, I'm starting to feel something for her.

An undescribable feeling call family love.

Monday, June 11, 2007 Y 10:53 AM

Antenatal class was great. Kinda slow paced though and I thought I can be a better instructress than my current one. Haha.=)

Maybe I read too much from books?

Anyway, the best part about the class was that husbands were taught how to give their wives back and calves massages! All those I need badly every night!=(

Actually feeling good that dar was spontaneous. In fact, saw that some husbands seemed to be literally dragged to join the class. Some were frowning, yawning and even sleeping.

Well, if your husband is reluctant, why force him right? Spoils your day facing his "get-it-over-and-done-with" sickening face.

Read an article yesterday about this woman who stuck to her bf despite repeated bashing ups and verbal abuse. She believes that she can change him with her love.

Come on, wake up ok!!

If your man truly loves you, he will never ever abuse you.

Any kind of abuse mind you!!

Sometimes I think I should join the Women's Association to protect women. Women's rights and freedom.


4 more days to go till my last day. Happy to leave this low morale place but sad to part with sweet memories.=(

Friday, June 8, 2007 Y 1:19 PM

Finally decided to settle down with this new blog.

After so many decisions and happenings for the past months, life is definitely happier and more fulfilling now.

With so many plans scheduled, I just can't wait to have my hands on them! Japanese language course, prenatal yoga, antenatal class, catching up with friends and family, writing a book... doing all the things i love!=D

Well, life is about sacrifices. Now I'm giving up my dreams and aspirations for baby and I'm sure it's all worth the effort.

Love always involve responsibilities. Love always involve sacrifices.

That's life.

Nowadays, I wake up every morning feeling happy and loved.

Somehow, feeling blessed.

p/s: Just found out that Michelle's is having a baby too!! Really feeling super super duper happy for her!